Modernization in teamwork.
Cartiera di Ferrara is an integrated paper mill that has been producing high quality coreboards and resistant tubes and cores for more than 70 years.
The paper mill is located in Ferrara, Italy – scenically attractive and close to the ports of Ravenna and Venice.
With the modernization of its core board machine, Cartiera di Ferrara has realized an expansion of its capacities.
Bellmer, as partner of the rebuild project, supplied the TurboStreamer headbox, the heart of the production process. The perforated roll headbox is ideally suited and proven for the high stock consistencies of core board production. Its deflocculation of the stock suspension ensures optimum sheet formation and quality improvement.
The press section of the machine was also modified by Bellmer and equipped with a TurboPress shoe press – the guarantee for best dry content.
La ingeniería y gestión de este proyecto conjunto, estuvo en manos de Bellmer Italia. Las entregas de productos desde Alemania (Niefern y Willich), Finlandia e Italia fueron de la mano. Durante la parada prevista, la instalación y la puesta en marcha se realizaron sin problemas.
En tres semanas de Paper-to-Paper ¡Un esfuerzo de equipo excepcional!
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Obtenga más información sobre nuestras cajas de entrada TurboStreamer aquí.
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Obtenga más información sobre nuestras prensas de zapata TurboPress aquí.
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