Historic city with modern technology
The city “Lauffen am Neckar” impresses with its historic old town and its location on the river Neckar. Lauffen is known as Birthplace of the poet Friedrich Hölderlin and one of the great wine-growing communities in the German province Baden-Württemberg with their vineyards along the banks of the river Neckar.
The world’s first remote transmission of alternating current started in Lauffen am Neckar. In 1891, a three-phase generator was put into operation at the cement works in Lauffen and the electricity was transmitted to the city of Frankfurt via a 176 km long pipeline. The electricity lit up the International Electrotechnical Exhibition there.
Lauffen is also up to date with the technology of its wastewater treatment plant, which cleans the urban wastewater. At the beginning of 2017, technology selection trials for sludge dewatering were carried out with various systems, including the WinklePress. She convinced by the achieved values and economic efficiency. Following an invitation to tender from the supervising engineering office, Bellmer was awarded the contract to supply the entire dewatering plant with WinklePress and periphery.
In September 2018 the delivery and installation took place. The press dewaters the resulting sludge to 30% dry solids content and thus confirms all requirements for maximum dry contents. Mr. Modjesch, manager of the municipal plant, feels confirmed in the decision for WinklePress with these results achieved.
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Or just contact us: winklepress@bellmer.com