Another TurboDrain TDC for reliable sludge thickening in Leipzig
The Rosental sewage treatment plant has been the main sewage treatment plant for the reliable and environmentally friendly treatment of wastewater in Leipzig for almost 130 years. Around 110,000 cubic metres of wastewater are treated here every day. The wastewater passes through the classic treatment stages — mechanical, chemical and biological treatment — before being discharged into the Neue Luppe. The resulting sewage sludge is sent for digestion and is now also used to generate electrical and thermal energy as well as the important nutrient phosphorus.
Leipziger Wasserwerke is planning important modernizations to ensure the future-proof treatment of wastewater in the growing city of Leipzig. To ensure that the plant can continue to fulfi ll the technical and legal requirements for the environmentally friendly treatment of wastewater in the future, it is essential that the mechanical treatment system is completely renewed and the biological treatment system is expanded to include a treatment tank. The conversion will be carried out in sections while the sewage treatment plant is in operation. Two months ago, another Bellmer TurboDrain TDC4 was added to the existing sludge thickening system. The excess sludge in Leipzig Rosental has already been successfully thickened with 3 TurboDrain TDC size 3 for several years. Due to the smooth and continuous sludge treatment, those responsible decided in favor of a TurboDrain again this time. Commissioning went smoothly and the new TDC 4 also ensures optimum excess sludge thickening in Leipzig.