Know-how in production is an important key to success at Bellmer - especially with a view to ever shorter project processing times and high quality standards. Bellmer also focuses on quality in [...]
The German company Bellmer has signed an agreement to acquire Metal Service, a specialist in stock preparation solutions and paper machines based in Rio do Sul, Santa Catarina. The acquisition [...]
Уже восьмой инспекционный аудит на соответствие сертификату ISO 9001:2015 прошел в офисе Bellmer в Ниферне. Аудиторы из компании «TÜV Süd» смогли вновь убедится в соответствии и эффективности [...]
Based on the know-how of Bellmer Kufferath, incorporating a unique two-part screen basket system, more and more dairy farms want to focus on using our AKUPRESS for manure dewatering.
This year we continue with our long-term cooperation second step which is the installation of new white top line. The capacity is 120 TPD a together with first step it has maximum capacity 320 TPD.