In addition to the German city of Offenburg, the municipalities of Durbach, Hohberg, Ohlsbach and Ortenberg belong to the Abwasserzweckverband „Raum Offenburg“ (AZV). In addition, the wastewater from the municipality of Willstätt is treated at the Offenburg-Griesheim wastewater treatment plant. This results in a total catchment area with about 90,000 inhabitants and a dewatering area of about 2,500 ha. The AZV was founded in 1971 and pools all the knowledge in the fields of dewatering, wastewater treatment and water under one roof.
For several years now, a TurboDrain TDC 08 has been successfully used to thicken the surplus sludge at the Offenburg-Griesheim sewage treatment plant. Due to the increasing population figures and for reasons of redundancy, the AZV decided to expand the sludge thickening system. The existing TurboDrain had already proven itself positively in excess sludge thickening and so the team of the sewage treatment plant, together with the planner SAG Ingenieure, again decided in favour of a TDC 08.
In the second quarter of this year, the new TurboDrain TDC 08 installed by the plant manufacturer EliquoStulz was put into operation. This is also equipped with an enclosure for aerosol-free and low-noise thickening. Both units found their common place in a newly constructed building for this purpose.

Together with the existing TurboDrain, the sludge throughput could be doubled (approx. 80 m³/h). The sludge is thickened to approx. 6%TS in 24h operation.
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