On-site support BellCare

BellCare – Cooperative Augmented REality

Our latest development, BellCare, bridges the gap between our experts and your engineers on site as fast as light speed. With these modern Bellmer remote support technologies, we can work together more effectively to increase process profitability.

Bellmer remote support: ON-SITE SUPPORT OF next generation

BellCare enables a real time online view by any of our specialists to the machinery and at the same time access to the actual and historical process data as well as the particular project documentation. As a result you receive rapid professional expert support during ongoing production by using mixed reality technology.

The dynamic screen content during a connection to the expert is placed in the room at your machinery and can be controlled by your employee who wears the glasses. Of course, we can support you with further virtual content like technical documents, drawings or 3D animations or any other content which can be displayed on a computer screen. BellCare provides expert consultation for your machine available with unexpected speed at zero travel costs. This helps to reduce downtimes and costs.


  • Fast reaction time in case of support demand
    and therefore less downtime
  • Guaranteed elimination of travel times and travel costs
  • Higher frequency of personal contacts to experts
  • More intensive process optimization
  • Perfect complete lifecycle care taking solution
  • Guaranteed attractive fast ROI

BellCare expert support is available for optimization and troubleshooting and covers paper process technology, mechanics and automation. BellCare allows even virtual onsite meetings with multiple experts and our customers engineers at the same time.

Customer using BellCare reported:

“BellCare means collaborative optimization, maintenance and repair. It enables our technicians to troubleshoot problems much faster than before. Using hands-free video calls our technicians can receive contextual guidance from remote Bellmer experts.

The engineer at the machine together with the Bellmer expert assess and document the quality of our machinery and equipment. These joint inspections and maintenance are leading to a high knowledge sharing and have a training effect for the paper mill. BellCare even allows to document the done maintenance steps  via photos and videos and share them with the rest of the paper mills organization.”

The versatile power of Bellmer remote support BellCare:
  • Safe travel costs – Technicians can share their real-time view with experts in remote locations to get the help they need.
  • Have the Bellmer expert on site without being there – Bellmer experts quality next to you  while the expert has the same view to the room around you
  • View the site without being there –  managers of the paper mills headquarter organization can virtual participate in meetings and directly assess production and equipment.
  • See what happens in real time – Communicate detailed and complex instructions visually. Instead of communicating instructions via audio calls, on-site and remote participants can use drawings and markings  to refer to specific parts of a machine or plant.
  • Exchange expert knowledge –  Enable experts to effectively share their knowledge from anywhere in the world.
  • Hands free access to circuit diagrams anywhere in the paper mill – Bellmer experts can bring reference images, circuit diagrams and other helpful information into the local engineers physical area. Both can refer to the circuit diagram while hands-free talking to each other.
  • Document maintenance workflows – combine voice controlled videos and photos to workflows for maintenance activities and have it available the next time automatically.

Get more information

Get further information and your personal presentation of our BellCare solutions for your site. Our service specialists are pleased to help you!
Just contact us: service-paper@bellmer.com