Dry Digester

Dry anaerobic digestion is a special process for the biogas production that works at high dry matter content inside the digester. In general, relatively dry, fibrous biomass and materials containing contaminants can be effectively digested by dry digestion. Typical application examples are bio-waste from separate collection, green waste, or organic fractions from residual waste. Over the years, we gained experience with screw presses for dry digester output dewatering with all kinds of digester types – vertical or horizontal, on organic waste or mixed municipal waste.


  • Screw Press Production: Made in Germany
  • Process technology adapted for digestion
  • Outstanding reliable concept for dry digestion
  • Long standing experience

Due to this longstanding knowledge we provide you with reliable concepts and designs.
Take a look at our screw press for the dry digester:

As a first step for the output from dry digester plants, an AKUPRESS AM/AMX screw press splits it up into a coarse fraction that is composted, and a liquid phase that often can be applied as fertiliser. Where this is not feasible, an AKUPRESS BX-Ls as a second step dewaters that liquid phase in order to achieve a clean filtrate with low content in suspended solids. For municipal solid waste, this second step is obligatory.

Get more information

Our specialists are looking forward to taking on your dry digester project.
Just contact us: biogas@bellmer.com