The TurboScreen makes a valuable contribution to wastewater treatment
Thanks to the successful project of Evides Industriewater and the Bellmer subsidiary Solis, the wastewater management and treatment at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport is now state of the art.
Situated near Amsterdam, Schiphol Airport is the third largest airport in Europe. Evides Industriewater owns and operates the high-performance wastewater treatment plant responsible for treating all the wastewater from the airport. To ensure that the sewage treatment plant is able to cope with the increasing volume of wastewater as passenger numbers continue to rise, it is continuously developing. The decision was made to implement fine screens as a pre-treatment stage to their existing process to improve adaptability to a changing source while adding economic efficiency to their downstream processes.
Evides selected a TurboScreen system from Bellmer Solis to cover their needs. The TurboScreen fine filter removes suspended and
fine particles from the wastewater and can process large hydraulic flows. The special screen fabric ensures a high solids separation rate and a large COD reduction without the use of chemicals.
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