Bellmer will be responsible for the new Shoe press and the first dryer section.

During the first few months of 2019, Bellmer will supply the equipment ordered this year by Grupak, Mexico. Grupak specializes in paper and corrugated packaging, and has two production centers in Cuernavaca and Hidalgo.
The company chose Bellmer for the original installation of the paper machine at Hidalgo and has now entrusted us with its upgrade. In this latest step, the Press section will be modified, with the installation of a new Shoe press, and the first dryer section will be rebuilt, with the main aim being to increase production and improve quality paper.

Paper machine rebuild: rebuildof the Press- and Dryer section in Hidalgo, Mexico
Rebuild of the Press- and Dryer section in Hidalgo, Mexico

Grupak has a clear strategy of growth and consolidation in the Mexican market which allows it to differentiate itself in the increasingly competitive world of paper packaging manufacture.

BELLMER Paper Technology Dry End Dryer Section

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Bellmer Shoe Press TurboPress

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