Optimised design processes thanks to CAD software upgrade at Bellmer
The new year brought Bellmer three software upgrades in the CAD area: Inventor 2020, AutoCAD Mechanical 2020, and Autodesk Vault. Inventor 2020 supports our engineers, designers and product designers in solving complex product development processes in 3D. AutoCAD Mechanical 2020 provides users with an update of the mechanical design software for mechanical and plant engineering. With the upgrade from PSP to Autodesk Vault, design data is managed more efficiently and collaboration between the individual teams is improved.
Before the changeover, all previous files from AutoCAD and Inventor had to be made available and synchronised in the new Vault as a 2020 version. A major task, which the team consisting of our administrator Martin Bürkle, internal IT, key users and an external system company mastered with pinpoint accuracy. Many thanks to all those who worked intensively on the system changeover at the turn of the year.
In subsequent training sessions, all users were brought up to speed on the new programmes. The new top-of-the-line software enables our teams to work more effectively. With this major investment, we at Bellmer want to secure our competitiveness and achieve further progress in our engineering.
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