0 By Miriam Brose In Allgemein, Company NewsPosted 28. April 2020Official inauguration at Bellmer KufferathOn October 25th 2019 the new production hall and adjacent office and social rooms of Bellmer Kufferath were ceremonially inaugurated. READ MORE
0 By Miriam Brose In Allgemein, Events/Messen, Social_EnvironmentPosted 23. April 2020Good partners on the green lawnThe joint partnership has been further strengthened – Bellmer is now the main sponsor of the football club FV 09 Niefern. READ MORE
0 By Miriam Brose In Allgemein, micro filter, Municipal, Recycling, Separation TechnologyPosted 9. April 2020MICROFILTRATION AT THE LARGEST AIRPORT IN THE NETHERLANDSBellmer Solis received an order for a plant with a TurboScreen and an AKUPRESS AL screw press for dewatering the separated solids. READ MORE